Wednesday, December 28, 2011

5 Tips to Instantly Master Your Eating and Energy (or How to Become an "Energizer")

!±8± 5 Tips to Instantly Master Your Eating and Energy (or How to Become an "Energizer")

What's the fastest way you can Gain Energy and Lose Weight? Become an Energizer. I'm a little disappointed that "The Bunny" got to the name before I did, but the concept is the same. As I prepare myself and my clients for our 2006 successes, the area of Eating and Energy Mastery continues to show up as VERY IMPORTANT. Below I'll share with you 5 tips for your Eating and Energy and how to become an ENERGIZER but first, we need to address three common issues that come up for every energy-seeker I know.

"Your energy zone is equal to your comfort zone."

One of the laws of energy is that if you stretch, take risks and be bold in your life
your energy will increase. Why? Because doing what you have always done will get
you more of what you've got. Are you with me? No? Ok, let me share with you a
personal "moment"...

My biggest personal breakthrough with my eating and energy was when I first
started changing my food. I was overweight, overworked and overwhelmed, but I
didn't focus on the overweight first. I wanted to FEEL better. So that is what I set out
to do and I was willing to do ANYTHING to make that happen. Guess what? The
weight came off, too - but I wasn't focusing on that. I was just feeling so much

To reach my eating and energy goals, I had to stretch beyond my comfort zone and
play REALLY big. By being willing to do things differently (including what I ate, how I
ate ..,) I found myself 20+ pounds lighter at the end of one summer and 5 years
later in a whole new career and way of being.

Going beyond my comfort zone also put me in a place to help my clients in new
ways so that they can catapult forward faster (and not make the mistakes I did). It is
an energy gain all the way around. It is to the perfected point where I am able to
offer streamlined, high energy coaching like the EnergyRICH Boot Camp starting in

"You attract the amount of energy that your 'container' can hold."
Many people walk around with limiting beliefs about eating and energy. So, your
energy container becomes very small, like a tiny "to-go" carton. Or worse yet, some
people's containers have lots of little holes in it and energy leaks happen all
throughout the day. Your energy container must be big enough to allow massive
amounts to flow easily in and out while consistently getting "refuled" or else it just
stays blocked and change doesn't happen.

"Easy IN, easy OUT."

Unfortunately many people lose their energy because of poor accountability, lack of
systems or lack of understanding what they need to do to make a successful
change. We all have an abundant of energy available to us (it is what we are made
of), but if there isn't a strong, authentic foundation it will just as easily leave you ...
and fast ... like by the end of the day.

Mastery is crucial to achieving YOUR RIGHT to high energy, ultimate weight
management and feeling free in your body.

It isn't just about the information. It is about what you DO WITH IT. One way to
start is to model successful (be careful about how you define success, this makes a
difference) people, you begin to act and think like an ENERGIZER right away. The
magic in modeling is that you will be focused on being and doing the things that are
necessary to make the change, not just reading or talking about it.

To get started, here are 5 tips to align your mind, your habits and your behaviors
NOW with eating and energy mastery.

1. Surround yourself with others who have it (or are getting it.)

shouldn't be brain science; how do you think you will feel if you are with someone
who complains all of the time? How about someone who feels the need to criticize?
Always likes to eat fast food? Smokes? Tells you "can't do it" or "It's too hard"? Like
attracts like ... right? You adapt to the people around you ... their thinking, their
beliefs and their attitudes. Energy breeds energy. If you want ENERGIZER results,
start hanging out with people who have it or are creating it. Trust me, you will feel
the difference.

2. Eat it.

No, I don't mean all of the energy drinks or other hype on
the market. I mean begin to understand how your food does or does not work for
you. How do you eat your food? Fast? Standing up over the sink? What is your food
made of? Vitamins? Chemicals? What rewards will your food create for yourself, your
family and your world? Being crystal clear about this step will make your eating and
energy mean something much bigger than just "what taste good" - it aligns your
eating and your energy with your values and this can have just as strong of an effect
as calorie counting. Afterall, what you eat makes you who you are. Literally. Oh, and
more expensive doesn't equal better for your body. (Stay tuned for next week's "Top
Ten Foods for 2006")

3. Conquer your inner eating demons.

If you have lingering
issues with food, then you must resolve them in order to truly create eating and
energy freedom. I highly recommend doing the inner work to know that you deserve
to be operating at your best, all of the time. I recommend the EnergyRICH Boot
Camp Intensive to help you cut through some of blocks that are keeping you stuck.

4. Have a system to manage it.

Energy will go where it is
directed - whether that serves you or not. Having proper systems such as blocks of
time for self-care, ways to easily prepare good food, time to give to others (not out
of obligation, but joy), ways to fuel your passion and people who support you can
make a big difference as an ENERGIZER. Stop and think about having everything you
desire, but not knowing how to manage it or, worse, still not feeling fulfilled? Not

5. Be an Energizer now.

What if you just started thinking and
behaving like an ENERGIZER would RIGHT NOW? Energizers make healthy decisions,
focus their time and enjoy a lifestyle that supports their success. Start acting as-if
you are an ENERGIZER now and attract more of that kind of success instantly. I know
it works because I've done it. You can start by participating in the FR*E Make-Over
Call on Monday January 9th - listen to others as they put themselves out there (or
be that person yourself!) to make changes with their eating and energy, NMW (No
Matter What).

Whether it is your dream to be an ENERGIZER in your life or not, I encourage you to
adapt the "food as fuel" mentality. You will notice instantly that you begin to feel
different. You will also attract into your life some incredible results, and people will
want to know you because you will emanate energy. How does that sound?

5 Tips to Instantly Master Your Eating and Energy (or How to Become an "Energizer")

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

What is Gallbladder Sludge?

!±8± What is Gallbladder Sludge?

The gallbladder is an organ and it is there to store bile that builds up before it travels further to the small intestine where it plays a role in processing fats and neutralizing acids from foods that have been digested. Bile can build up in the gallbladder and particles can attach to other substances found there, such as calcium, salts or cholesterol from fats. Gallbladder sludge is the result of the combination of bile particles, calcium salts and cholesterol crystals. The sludge also builds up when certain other factors and conditions are present. For example, gallbladder sludge is especially prone to building up during pregnancy, crash dieting with fast weight loss or when certain medications are being taken. In most cases, however, the sludge forms with no particular reason at all behind it.

One problem that is directly caused by a build up of gallbladder sludge is the formation of gallstones. Whereas the sludge itself does not cause many symptoms at all, the gallstones can produce more severe pain and become a problem. The gallstones that form from the sludge that remains in the gallbladder can be small in size or large and the big sizes stones are the ones that cause the symptoms to appear. Other problems caused by sludge include an inflammation of the pancreas, inflammation of gallstones and obstruction of biliary ducts which provide passage for the bile to the small intestine.

For the majority of people that have a build up of gallbladder sludge, they will experience no adverse effects or symptoms at all. The only real symptoms that sludge cause are pains linked to vomiting and nausea. Finding sludge and determining that it is even there can only be done through an ultrasound examination or by testing the contents found in the bile itself. Since sludge and gallstones are usually asymptomatic, no medical treatment is necessary. Sometimes the gallbladder sludge dissolves on its own and disappears for reasons unknown to doctors. If the sludge remains and starts causing symptoms to appear and when large gallstones start developing, then the most effective treatment is to just remove the entire gallbladder.

What is Gallbladder Sludge?

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Abdominal Pain Bloating - Causes and Natural Cure For Abdominal Pain

!±8± Abdominal Pain Bloating - Causes and Natural Cure For Abdominal Pain

Here are the 5 Important Points on Abdominal Pain Bloating:

1. The fortunate unenlightened tend to think of flatulence as simply being the breaking of wind. But those of us who have suffered from it can say without fear of contradiction there is a lot more to flatulence than just the sound and smell of what we call "farting". If it were only that, we would swap it for the feeling with which we are all too familiar - the abdominal pain bloating which plagues many a sufferer. This part of the condition of flatulence makes many lives miserable, and is something that needs to be addressed quickly and fully.

2. Spotting Abdominal Pain Bloating

As with most other symptoms of flatulence, it is usual for abdominal pain bloating to become evident after we eat. It may be that we have overeaten, or eaten something which "disagrees" with us, but whatever the direct source, the upshot is that our stomach generates more gas than it ordinarily would. It is common to try and pass this gas through breaking wind, but gas bubbles can remain behind, and it is these bubbles which cause abdominal pain bloating. As the name suggests, it is painful. It is also a source of irritation to sufferers, who find that no matter how they sit or lie, the discomfort remains present.

3. The causes of trapped gas are varied, but the most common tends to be the overproduction of carbon dioxide by our digestive system, which makes gas harder to pass. This makes abdominal pain bloating all the more likely, and can be hard to break down. Sufferers of flatulence will be familiar with the persistent and dogged pain which seems to be impervious to whatever they throw at it to try and calm it down. The condition can be caused by intolerance to foods, by IBS or by various other digestive issues, and abdominal pain bloating is likely to cause a great deal of discomfort before the sufferer takes decisive steps to deal with it.

4. Cures For Abdominal Bloating

Bloating in general is a condition that is hard to live with. Sufferers find that it restricts their ability to enjoy anything for the duration of the pain. It is more or less impossible to get comfortable, and it can even lead to disrupted sleep. Abdominal pain flatulence can be all the worse because it is sat so low in our bodies that it feels like breaking wind or going to the toilet should get rid of it - but both are either impossible or ineffective. The best response to abdominal pain flatulence is to call on one of the many natural remedies.

5. An infusion of herbal tea is a commonly-recommended, and generally very effective, cure for abdominal pain flatulence. The warmth of the infusion added to its gentle herbal make-up leads to a much more comfortable feeling - a comfort that can be replicated to some extent with a warm compress such as a hot water bottle placed over the stomach. Along with the inhalation or rubbing into the skin surrounding the area of natural peppermint oil, these are excellent cures for abdominal pain flatulence.

Abdominal Pain Bloating - Causes and Natural Cure For Abdominal Pain

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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What is Healthy Eating?

!±8± What is Healthy Eating?

Do you know 'What is healthy eating?' Does it mean that you are following the current government nutritional recommendations.

That sounds to be right. But, let's take a closer look at our options. The advertisers' mandate is to sell their products. Representing those products in the best possible light is beneficial to sales. And today, the best possible light seems to be to align their products with healthy eating. This is where consumer confusion can occur by just trying to sort through all the hype.

Let me give you an example...

Take a drink promoted as "made with 100% fruit juice". At first glance you may consider that this is 100% juice. Yet that is not what is said. Being 'made from 100% juice' is not the same as a product that 'is 100% juice'. No, this statement only says that 100% juice is in it. So, if it had one tablespoon of 100% pure fruit juice for every serving, would the statement still be true?

Yes. Even though the remaining ingredients could be water, sugar and artificial coloring and flavoring.

This product would accurately be a 'drink' and not a 'juice'. A product that is 100% pure fruit juice would be the healthier choice.

Now, what about the trend towards putting vitamins into bottled water? Is this healthy eating?

Pure filtered, clean water is the water you should be drinking. The addition of other ingredients is unnecessary and something you should avoid.

The vitamins used are not a natural source vitamin. Natural source vitamins are in the form that your body can use and does use everyday from the foods you eat. Vitamins that are not natural source may appear to be the same thing, but they are man-made chemical copies of what is in nature. Do you think that the cells of your body can tell the difference between what is real and what is copied?

Today you can buy ready made meals or frozen meals for those of us with busy schedules.

These may contain meat and vegetables or noodles and they look so good. I have bought them too.

The first thing to look at is the price. Yes, we all want to save money, but when you can buy these foods much cheaper than you could make them there is cause for concern.

Let me explain...

In an effort to keep the costs of the products down, manufacturers use low cost ingredients. None of these ingredients or food additives are healthy.

One such ingredient is hydrogenated vegetable oil or partially hydrogenated. These are man-made and linked to high cholesterol and heart disease. This can be found in many prepared or processed foods and should be avoided.

Avoid the man made sweeteners. Aspartame has toxic effects on your body. High fructose corn syrup causes cravings and weight gain.

Many of the prepared foods contain MSG. This additive is called a flavor enhancer, yet good food with fresh ingredients doesn't need the flavor enhanced. Highly processed foods stripped of taste and nutrients need something to fix the taste. Further, MSG obesity is directly related to the intake of MSG.

Heavily processed flour is another common ingredient. The heavy processing strips the natural nutrients from the flour, which then has to be replaced with man-made copies of nature's own nutrients. The end product is enriched flour.

Another point worth mentioning is that it is estimated that 70% of processed foods contain genetically altered ingredients. An exact figure is impossible to determine since the labeling of GE food is voluntary.

So 'what is healthy eating?' could be summed up to say that you eat the foods that contribute to good health. Simple. Eliminate the empty calories. These would be foods that contribute little to nutrition, yet have calories. Eliminate the foods with made-made chemicals in them. Eat foods with wholesome ingredients including fresh fruits and vegetables. And make these organic whenever you can. By taking a sensible look at products, you can sort through the hype and eat healthy.

What is Healthy Eating?

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Friday, December 2, 2011

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Candida and Yeast Infections - Help For Recurring Infections

!±8± Candida and Yeast Infections - Help For Recurring Infections

Yeast infections are very common. For many people these infections are a constant irritation. The first action for people who suffer recurrent yeast infections is to have a doctor evaluate you for proper diagnosis and to make sure that there isn't an underlying health condition causing the problem. The doctor should take a medical history and discuss any past problems. Once the doctor informs you that you don't have a health problem, you should start looking at other causes of the recurrent yeast overgrowth.

An allergic reaction to certain chemicals can cause a Candida overgrowth in some people. For example, women who wear scented sanitary napkins may experience irritation that can eventually lead to a yeast infection. The chemicals in bubble bath are another example of what can cause a yeast infection. The key to uncovering the problem is to look through your bathroom cabinets and start eliminating items. When your irritation decreases, you have more than likely discovered the problem.

Some medications can cause constant Candida flare-ups. The most common of these include birth control pills, steroids, and antibiotics. These medications can cause yeast infections because they tend to kill healthy bacteria in the system. Medications that are used to treat yeast infections can be a problem as well. In these cases, it is usually the situation that the yeast has developed a resistance to the medication. Trying a different medication is the remedy for this situation. Butoconazole is an antifungal medication that is available over-the-counter and that is not known to cause the yeast organisms to develop a resistance. Other effective measures are to use boric acid and vaginal suppositories. There are other natural treatments that are considered effective for eliminating yeast infections. Although side effects are not generally associated with natural treatments, you should check with your doctor before using any type of medicinal products.

Recurrent problems with Candida overgrowth may be as simple as changing your behavior. Yeast love warm, moist environments. If at all possible, you should practice the following behavior:

Wear loose-fitting clothing
Wear tampons Do not wear wet clothes for an extended period of time
Wear cotton panties
Practice good hygiene (i.e. wipe front to back)

Diet plays a significant role in a yeast infection because there are certain foods that can spark an overgrowth of Candida. Sugar is at the top of the list of agitators of a yeast infection. If you have recurrent yeast infections, you should evaluate your diet to determine if you are consuming excessive amounts of sugar. If you are, a low-carb diet is recommended. In cases where the infections have been long standing, you may need to eliminate sugary foods completely. These include alcohol, pastries, and processed foods. A diet of whole foods works best for sufferers of recurrent yeast infections. Your diet should consist mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, and foods containing fatty acids.

Recurrent yeast infections are not generally life threatening, but can lead to severe immune system problems since harmful bacteria outnumber the healthy bacteria in your system. It is a good idea to work along with your doctor to discover why you are experiencing the ongoing problem.

Copyright (c) 2008 Hailey Harris

Candida and Yeast Infections - Help For Recurring Infections

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Coated Tongue and Bad Breath

!±8± Coated Tongue and Bad Breath

Look at yourself in the mirror and stick out your tongue - do you have a coated tongue and bad breath? Many people who suffer from bad breath (halitosis) have a visible white coating on the back of the tongue. Even if you don't see anything, you do have a coating, sometimes referred to as a biofilm, on your tongue made up of myriad different microscopic organisms, the remnants of food and body cells, and a noncellular matrix that holds it all together.

Some of the organisms living on your tongue are potential pathogens - organisms that can cause infection and halitosis, in fact, the tongue is the site of the greatest number of microorganisms living in the mouth. This is why it is so beneficial to use a tongue cleaner to remove the biofilm, particularly if you have a visibly coated tongue and bad breath. Studies have shown that regular physical removal of the coating brings about a significant reduction in numbers of pathogenic bacteria in the mouth, and in the degree of halitosis.

Physical tongue cleaning will be more effective against your bad breath coated tongue and oral microorganisms because the noncellular matrix of the biofilm actually protects the organisms within it from mouthwashes, natural immune cells and the cleaning action of saliva - think of a firm jelly-like substance enclosing everything in a thin impermeable layer. A good tongue cleaner or tongue scraper gets past the barrier of the matrix by just scraping it all away and alleviating the coated tongue and bad breath. Meanwhile, lower layers that become exposed will be vulnerable to antibacterial substances in the mouth such as saliva or mouthwash while the biofilm is reestablishing itself.

And it will reestablish itself - no tongue cleaner or antibacterial product will ever completely eradicate the unwelcome organisms in your mouth that are causing bad breath coated tongue and even periodontal disease. It is possible, however to keep the numbers of these organism down with a regular program of good oral hygiene including tongue scraping and the use of a mouthwash that targets the bacteria that cause a heavily coated tongue and bad breath.

Coated Tongue and Bad Breath

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Balance Your Body Through Rolfing

!±8± Balance Your Body Through Rolfing

Rolfing is a rather new technique that came to be in the 1950s. It is founded by Dr. Ida Rolf and it is a way to manipulate the soft tissue in your body (connective tissue) so that your body is in perfect balance. This is a great way to gain a few inches, get rid of any asymmetries, and stand up straighter. It is important to remember that Rolfing is not for everyone - pregnant women and people with any type of vascular or bone disorders should consult their physician before setting up a Rolfing appointment.

What can you expect from a Rolfing session? Let's say that one of your hips is higher than the other one, after a period of time Rolfing can align your hips properly and as a result you will not feel any back pain or hip pain for that matter. A Rolfing session should not be very painful but if you do feel a sharp pain, be sure to let the practitioner know. Don't be scared because after a few sessions you will actually begin to enjoy these procedures.

You can sign up for 10 procedures - one a week. After the 10th procedure you will feel that your body is more elastic and it can withstand a great amount of stress and shock, and you will not feel pain. Be careful not to loose the elastic effect you have gained through the Rolfing proceduress. A good way to maintain your body's elasticity high is to take up a practice such as yoga or Pilates.

Balance Your Body Through Rolfing

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011



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